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Fall 2013 Conference – Update

From our Advisor, Val:

Iowa Region Alumni Association members –

I’m writing to invite you to the Iowa Regional Leadership Conference in a few weeks! It is scheduled on Thursday and Friday, October 24th and 25th. The Iowa Region Alumni Association Executive Board members have been working diligently to build the Association and develop support systems for the chapters of the Iowa Region. They would LOVE for you to become more involved in the activities and events! I have attached a registration form for your convenience!

At the Leadership Conference, there will be an Alumni business meeting, and an alumni social on Thursday Evening. We will also have DR. ROD RISLEY, Executive Director of Phi Theta Kappa, as the keynote speaker on Thursday! The Executive Board members also plan to invite him to the alumni social, where you can visit casually with him if he is able to attend.

This is also the year where we will have elections for the following positions on the Alumni Association Executive Board:

1) President – organizes and conducts all executive board and alumni meetings. He/She is responsible for leading Executive Board and the alumni association towards their collective goals. Works closely with the Executive Board members in developing and implementing projects, fundraising activities and events. Sits on the Region of Iowa Executive Board as a non-voting member.

2) Public Relations Officer – responsible for developing and sending out the alumni newsletter and assisting with the development of brochures, pamphlets and flyers for the organization. Works closely with all Executive Board members in developing and implementing projects, fundraising activities and events.

3) Membership Secretary – responsible for maintaining an active member list and a potential member list. Works with chapter advisors to maintain potential member list and actively recruits potential members to the association. Works closely with all Executive Board members in developing and implementing projects, fundraising activities and events.

4) Fundraising Coordinator – responsible for developing fundraising ideas to bring to the Executive Board. Implements fundraisers with the assistance of association members. Maintains records of events, money raised and any special accounts for specific purposes, such as a scholarship account. Works closely with all Executive Board members in developing and implementing projects and events.

All positions are a two year assignment, starting this Fall, 2013. If anyone is interested in any of these positions, please send your letter of intent to alumni@iowaptk.org by Friday, October 11th at 10pm. In your letter, please state your name and what you are currently doing, the office you are seeking, and why you believe you should be chosen for the position you are seeking.

After all letters are collected, I will send copies of all letters to all members, along with an absentee ballot. Members can return their absentee ballot by USPS mail, hand delivery, fax or scanning and attaching to an email until 10pm, October 23rd. If the ballot is not received by that time, members will then only have the option to vote at the Leadership Conference. Elected officers will be chosen by simple majority vote of those responding prior to, or at, the Alumni Business Meeting.

Ballots can be sent to the following:

Address: Val Enenbach, PTK Alumni Advisor


906 N Grant Rd

Carroll, IA 51401

FAX: 712-792-8500 Attn: Val

Email: vdenenbach@dmacc.edu

Location: Room 125, DMACC – Carroll campus (by October 23rd at 12noon)

And lastly, if you know of any alumni who might be interested in attending the Leadership Conference and/or joining the alumni association, please pass this information on! If anyone has questions, they are welcome to contact Julie Gore, President, at gore_julie@hotmail.com.

I hope I will see many of you at the conference! Let me know if you have any questions!

Phi Theta Kappa Hugs!!!




Welcome to the website of the Iowa Region Alumni Association of Phi Theta Kappa.