We, the chapters, set forth the following bylaws to establish an Iowa Region of Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society in keeping with the tradition in the State of Iowa of valuing and promoting excellence in education. Our goals are to recognize the academic excellence of Iowa students, to encourage continued achievement, and to enhance the development and growth of society through our students’ pursuit of lifelong learning at Iowa’s associate degree-granting institutions. We believe these goals can best be achieved by developing leadership, scholarship, fellowship, and service opportunities for our members at all levels of Phi Theta Kappa.
Iowa Region Phi Theta Kappa Bylaws
The name of this organization shall hereafter be known as the Iowa Region of Phi Theta Kappa.
The purpose of this organization shall be to provide a means through which Phi Theta Kappa chapters in the Iowa Region may better achieve the goals and purposes of Phi Theta Kappa in the hallmark areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and fellowship, and to encourage and promote participation of individual members in Phi Theta Kappa activities.
Each active chapter has one vote in regional elections and shall designate one member to serve as the chapter’s voting delegate. A quorum shall consist of those chapters in good standing present at the Regional Meeting. A simple majority shall be required for all votes except those specified otherwise within the bylaws.
Section 1. Membership
A. Members of the Iowa Region of Phi Theta Kappa shall consist of all Phi Theta Kappa chapters in Iowa that have been chartered by the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society and that are in good standing, A chapter in good standing shall be defined as one which has paid all Regional Fees and maintains a current Chapter Annual Report on file at International Headquarters.
B. Regional fees will be set by the Executive Board of the Region. To remain in good standing, chapters must collect regional fees prior to induction ceremonies and submit them to the Regional Coordinator.
C. Regional fees must be paid in order for the chapter to retain voting right and membership is good standing.
D. Alumni shall be entitled to all the privileges of active membership except the right to vote or hold office.
Section 2. Districts (See Appendices)
A. The Northeast District (#1) shall be made up of present and future chapters in the area bordered on the both by Highway 30 from east and west and bordered on the west by Interstate 35 from north and south.
B. The Southeast District (#2) shall be made up of present and future chapters in the area bordered on the north by Highway 30 from east and west and bordered on the west by Interstate 35 from north and south.
C. The Southwest District (#3) shall be made up of present and future chapters in the area bordered on the north by Highway 30 from east and west and bordered on the east by Interstate 35 from north and south.
D. The Northwest District (#4) shall be made up of present and future chapters in the area bordered on the south by Highway 30 from east and west and bordered on the east by Interstate 35 from north and south.
Section 3. Regional Leadership
A. The Regional Coordinator shall serve as a nonvoting, ex-official member of the Executive Board and shall be appointed by the Executive Director of Phi Theta Kappa International.
B. The Executive Board shall consist of
- The Regional Coordinator.
- An Executive Board Advisor from each of the Four Districts to be elected by the advisors. Executive Board Advisors will serve a three year staggered term and shall be voting members of the Executive Board.
- Annually elected student officers of President, at large, and a Vice President from each District.
- A Newsletter Editor elected annually or appointed by the Executive Board and shall serve as a nonvoting, ex-official member of the Executive Board.
Section 4. Standing Committees
A. Standing committees may be created by the Regional Coordinator and the Executive Board.
B. Members of standing committees shall be appointed by the Regional coordinator and the Executive Board.
C. Members of standing committees shall be appointed by the Regional Coordinator and the Executive Board.
Section 1. Election Process
A. The Regional Officers shall be elected annually at the Regional Convention.
B. Officers shall be elected by a majority of the voting delegates at the Regional Convention,
C. Officers shall be installed at the last general session of the Regional Convention and shall assume the duties of their offices immediately.
D. Officers may be removed from office when
- A petition for removal is received by the Executive Board from a. at least two chapters in good standing or from b. the Regional Coordinator for cause.
- Such officer is given an opportunity to respond to the allegations at a special meeting of the Executive Board, who determines the merit of the petition.
- The complaint is subsequently supported by a vote conducted by the Regional Coordinator. A simple majority of two-thirds (2/3) of the Region’s chapters in good standing is required for removal.
E. The Regional Coordinator, with the approval of the Executive Board, may appoint a replacement for a Regional Officer or an Executive Board Advisor if it is deemed necessary and if the time remaining in the term justifies such a replacement.
- If the presidency is vacated, the replacement is elected from among the Vice Presidents; that person will serve in a dual role for the remainder of the term.
- In the case of a tie vote, the Regional Coordinator may vote.
Section 2. Election Requirements
A. Officer candidates must be from a chapter in good standing and the officer candidates must meet all requirements of membership in that chapter.
B. Candidate nominations should be sent to the Regional Coordinator prior to the Regional Convention. Nominations may also be made from the floor at Regional Convention.
C. A student may be a candidate for only one Regional Office.
D. Candidates must be present at the Regional Convention in order to participate in the election.
E. Regional Officers must be enrolled and taking a class(es) for credit at an associate degree-granting institution with a Phi Theta Kappa chapter.
F. The Regional Newsletter Editor’s chapter will assume the responsibility for publishing and distributing the Regional Newsletter during a designated term or terms.
G. All candidates will be required to meet with the general assembly at Regional Convention in a session prior to the election in order to present their qualifications and to respond to questions from the general assembly.
H. The Regional Officers adhere to the Regional Officer Honor Code as adopted by the Phi Theta Kappa Board of Directors (See Appendices).
Section 1. The Executive Board shall
A. Assist the Regional Coordinator in the direction of Regional Activities and Projects.
B. Assist in the planning of the Regional Leadership Conference and the Regional Convention.
C. Approve the annual budget for Regional Activities.
D. Attend all Regional Meetings.
E. Draft annual Regional Goals.
Section 2. The President shall
A. Preside over all Regional Meetings.
B. Submit proposed activities to the Regional Coordinator of all planned activities for approval. Matters of concern shall be referred to the Executive Board for resolution.
C. Assist the Regional Coordinator in the direction of all regional activities and projects.
D. Perform additional duties as delegated.
E. Appoint ad-hoc committees as necessary in consultation with the Regional Coordinator
F. Appoint a Secretary and Parliamentarian from among the Vice Presidents.
Section 3. The District Vice President shall
A. In the absence of the President, select one District Vice President by lot to serve as Acting President.
B. Assist the President when called upon.
C. Act as liaisons between the Regional Coordinator and Regional President and among chapters in their district.
Section 4. The Secretary shall
A. Record minutes of all Regional Meetings and send copies of the minutes to each chapter, the Regional Coordinator, and Phi Theta Kappa International Headquarters.
B. Maintain a Regional Directory listing chapters, officers, advisors, and their addresses and distribute this directory to all chapters.
Section 5. The Newsletter Editor shall
A. Work with the Executive Board and Regional Coordinator to oversee publication of a newsletter to be distributed to all chapters, the publication dates to be set by the Executive Board.
B. Establish and publicize deadlines for the submission of articles and other information.
C. Solicit content from chapters for the newsletter.
D. Edit and format the content and submit it to the Regional Coordinator for final approval.
E. Work with the Regional Coordinator to establish and maintain a mailing list and a mailing process for the newsletter.
Section 6. Executive Board Advisors shall
A. Assist the Regional Coordinator and Regional Officers in accomplishing all regional goals and additional duties as delegated.
B. Foster leadership and professional growth in all chapters by cultivating fellowship and professional growth among all chapter advisors in the best interests of the Region.
The Regional Coordinator shall meet the qualifications and fulfill responsibilities outlined in the Phi Theta Kappa Constitution and Bylaws and as stated by Phi Theta Kappa’s Board of Directors. (See Appendices).
Section 1.
The Presidential Ambassador shall perform his/her duties in keeping with the guidelines set forth by the Phi Theta Kappa Board of Directors.
Section 2.
The Presidential Ambassador will be appointed by Phi Theta Kappa Headquarters in consultation with the Regional coordinator.
Section 3.
The Presidential Ambassador will serve for a term of one year and may succeed himself or herself in office.
Section 4. The Presidential Ambassador will
A. Represent Phi Theta Kappa at President’s Council meetings to facilitate the communication of current Society programs.
B. Arrange, as needed, a representative from the Region o address a President’s Council meeting.
C. Promote Phi Theta Kappa to other college presidents to help the society re-active inactive chapters, establish new chapters, establish Phi Theta Kappa honors courses and seminars and encourage chapter participation in regional and international programs, and promote financial support for Phi Theta Kappa scholars.
D. Participate, at least once per year, at a regional meeting of Phi Theta Kappa; ideally, participation should include
- an address to the meeting participants in which the Presidential Ambassador presents the issues and agenda that the presidents feel are important to the progress of two-year colleges in Iowa.
- a meeting with chapter advisors and the Regional Coordinator in which annual regional goals can be discussed and issues of concern can be shared on both sides.
- an opportunity for dialogue with Phi Theta Kappa members.
E. Participate in the All-Iowa Academic Team Ceremony.
Section 1.
There will be at least two Regional Meetings per year, the Spring Regional Convention and the Fall Leadership Conference.
Section 2.
The host for the Fall Leadership Conference will be selected at the previous Fall Leadership Conference; the host for the Spring Regional Convention will be selected at the previous Spring Regional /Convention. Host of Regional Meetings will be selected from the districts on a rotating basis.
Section 3.
The host chapter, with the assistance of the Executive Board, will
- Provide a suitable time, place, and agenda.
- Provide a list of those attending the meeting according to the chapter and designation as member or advisor, and a written report of the proceedings to the Regional Coordinator and to Phi Theta Kappa International Headquarters.
Section 4.
Special Regional Members may be called at any time by the Executive Board.
Section 5.
Minutes of all Regional Meetings must be sent to the Regional Coordinator, to International Headquarters, and to all chapters.
Section 6.
Roberts’ Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary guide to all Regional Meetings, subject to final decision by the Executive Board.
Section 1.
The Executive Board or any chapter in good standing may initiate an amendment proposal by presenting the amendment, in writing, to the Regional Coordinator and the Executive Board 45 days prior to the Regional Convention or the Regional Leadership Conference.
Section 2.
Written copies of a proposed amendment must be made available to all chapters 30 days prior to the meeting at which the amendment will be presented to the general assembly.
Section 3.
Amending the Bylaws may take place at a general assembly if a quorum of two-thirds (2/3) of all chapters in good standing is present at the general assembly. If a quorum is present, the amendment must pass by a simple majority. A proxy may be established by written notification to the Regional Coordinator.
Section 4.
If a quorum is not present, voting on an amendment may be done by mail. All eligible chapters not responding within 30 days of the mailing will be considered as voting in the affirmative. A two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of all chapters in good standing with the Region is required for adoption.
Section 5.
Distribution of proposed amendments, tabulation of chapter votes, and announcement of results shall be the responsibility of the Executive Board with assistance of the Regional Coordinator.
Section 1.
These bylaws will become effective upon two-thirds (2/3) vote of all chapters in good standing in the Iowa Region of Phi Theta Kappa.
Section 2.
When voting is done by mail, all eligible chapters not responding by the stated deadline will be considered as voting in the affirmative.
Section 3.
Final interpretation of these bylaws will be the responsibility of the Executive Board.
The Northeast District (#1) Chapters include
- Clinton Community College
- Alpha Theta Beta (Clinton)
- Ellsworth Community College
- Alpha Iota Omega (Iowa Falls)
- Hawkeye Community College
- Beta Alpha Kappa (Waterloo)
- Marshalltown Community College
- Alpha Iota Rho (Marshalltown)
- Muscatine Community College
- Beta Zeta Phi (Muscatine)
- North Iowa Area Community College
- Alpha Psi Beta (Mason City)
- Northeastern Iowa Community College
- Beta Epsilon Phi (Calmar Campus)
- Northeastern Iowa Community College
- Beta Epsilon Pi (Peosta Campus)
- Scott Community College
- Beta Zeta Epsilon (Dettendorg)
The Southeast District (#2) Chapters include
- Des Moines Area Community College
- Beta Delta Psi (Urban Campus)
- Des Moines Area Community College
- Beta Gamma Rho (Newton Campus)
- Kirkwood Community College
- Alpha Eta Rho (Cedar Rapids)
- Southeastern Community College
- Beta Eta Alpha (West Burlington Campus, Keokuk Campus)
The Northwest District (#4) Chapters included
- Des Moines Area Community College
- Tau Phi (Boone Campus)
- Iowa Central Community College
- Lambda Kappa (Fort Dodge)
- Iowa Lakes Community College
- Beta Eta Zeta (Estherville)
- Waldorf College
- Beta Lambda (Forest City)
- Western Iowa Tech Community College
- Beta Zeta Mu (Sioux City)
The Southwest District (#3) Chapters include
- Des Moines Area Community College
- Beta Epsilon Eta (Ankeny Campus)
- Iowa Western Community College
- Alpha Omicron Tau (Council Bluffs)
- Iowa Western Community College
- Beta Beta Mu (Clarinda)
- Southwestern Community College
- Beta Eta Nu (Creston)
In support of the Society’s Mission Statement, the Phi Theta Kappa Board of Directors adopts this Honor Code as a declaration of the high standards of conduct to which Regional Officers are held. This Honor Code is not simply a set of rules and procedures governing Regional Officers’ academic conduct, nor is it a legal contractual obligation of Phi Theta Kappa or the Regional Officer; it is an opportunity to put personal responsibility and integrity into action. Regional Officers will abide by this code which liberates them to serve the Region and the Society in an atmosphere of mutual confidence and respect. The success of the Code depends upon the support of the Region. Infractions should be reported to a chapter advisor, who may communicate this information to the Regional Coordinator.
Mission Statement
The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa shall be to recognize and encourage scholarship among twoyear college students. To achieve this purpose, Phi Theta Kappa shall provide opportunity for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate for exchange of ideas and ideals, for lively fellowship for scholars, and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence.
I have read, understood and agree to the terms and conditions of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Code. I further understand and agree that my continued service as a regional officer is a privilege, not a right, and that violation of this code will subject me to discipline determined appropriate by the Regional Coordinator or his/her designees. Additionally, I understand that pursuant to the procedures outlined by the Regional Bylaws, I have the right to appeal disciplinary action which results in my removal from office.
Officer or Officer Candidate
As a Regional Officer…
I will conduct myself at all times in a manner that reflects positively on myself, my chapter, my region and the Society.
I place as a priority continued academic excellence.
I am committed to maintaining an environment which recognizes the dignity of each individual member and encourages appreciation of diverse backgrounds, opinions and goals in life.
I am committed to honesty and integrity in personal, social, and academic endeavors.
I recognize that a successful Regional Executive Committee (or name of Regional Officer group) requires a team effort, and I pledge to work together to promote the Society’s Mission.
I will work with the Regional Coordinator and the Society’s leaders in the same spirit of cooperation I display in my dealings with others.
I will respond promptly, courteously, and positively to the concerns and requests of the Regional Coordinator and other Society constituents.
I will fulfill my responsibilities in an effective, efficient, and timely manner.
I will conduct myself in a manner which is respectful of others and worthy of respect from others.
I will dress appropriately for any and all occasions.
I will not engage in any conduct which may bring shame or disrepute to myself or diminish the reputation of my Region or Phi Theta Kappa.
I will not engage in any illegal activity or violate any stated policies of the Region or the Society.
I will not consume and will discourage the consumption of alcohol at Phi Theta Kappa functions.
I will not use or possess nor tolerate the use or possession of controlled substances.
The Regional Coordinator serves as the leader of the region. The Coordinator facilitates the integral relationship among chapters in the region, between Headquarters and the chapters, and between Phi Theta Kappa and the two-year college.
Section 1. Eligibility
A. The Regional Coordinator must be a two-year college chapter advisor. While it is not required by the Constitution and up to the Coordinator as to the extent of involvement, it is strongly recommended that each Coordinator work with a co-advisor.
B. The Regional Coordinator must be an employee on at least a half-time basis having an annual contract or appointment with the same two-year college where serving as a chapter advisor. An annual contract or appointment means that the Coordinator has a binding commitment with that college to provide service for one academic year. Temporary changes in status due, for example, to sabbatical, parenting leave, or illness shall not affect eligibility. The concerns for strong connection to the college include communication, accessibility, visibility on the campus, support from administration, and direct and frequent contact with chapter members and co-advisors and with other chapters in the region. The Regional Coordinator will have office facilities, a telephone, mailbox, and fax number on campus, in order to contribute to the life of the chapter, college, and region. It is expected that the Coordinator will have online access to electronic communication.
Section 2. Selection Process
A. Headquarters will submit to chapter advisors and college presidents in the region forms for nominating chapter advisors for the position of Interim Coordinator.
B. Headquarters will submit to chapter advisors and college presidents in the region forms for nominating chapter advisors for the position of Interim Coordinator.
C. From these nominations a finalist(s) will be interviewed by the Executive Director. Selection of the Interim coordinator will be announced in writing by Headquarters to all chapter advisors and college presidents.
D. Following selection, the Interim Coordinator will attend an orientation session at headquarters. During the orientation, the Interim Coordinator will work the Director of Regional Programs who will assist in establishing goals, assign a mentor, and provide guidelines for the mentoring relationship.
E. One year following the orientation, the Interim Coordinator will review with the Director of Regional Programs progress made toward the attainment of established goals.
F. The Director of Regional programs and the Associate Director will make a recommendation to the Executive Director regarding the appointment of the Interim Coordinator as Regional Coordinator.
G. Following approval of the recommendation for the appointment of the Interim coordinator as Regional Coordinator, the Executive Director will direct the Executive committee to appoint the Regional Coordinator as outlined in Article V, Section 5(B) of the Phi Theta Kappa Constitution. Should the Interim Coordinator choose not to be considered as Regional Coordinator, or the Director of Regional Programs and the Associate Director not recommend the appointment of the Interim Coordinator as Regional Coordinator, or the Executive Director not approve the recommendation submitted, a new Interim Regional Coordinator will be selected according to the stated process.
H. The Executive Director will notify the Interim Coordinator regarding appointment.
I. Once the Regional Coordinator is appointed, Headquarters staff will notify in writing all chapter advisers and college presidents within the region.
J. A Regional Coordinator will serve a one-year term, which is subject to renewal [Article V, Section 5(1) of the Phi Theta Kappa Constitution].
Section 3. Responsibilities
A. The Regional Coordinator serves as head of the Iowa Region of Phi Theta Kappa by
- Demonstrating at all times the highest level of professionalism, which reflects positively on the Coordinator, Chapter, Region and Society.
- Managing the affairs of the region through effective planning, organizing, coordinating and evaluating.
- Nurturing the development of students and chapters at the local and regional levels.
- Ensuring frequent and consistent communications on the local, regional and international levels.
- Cultivating the support of and positive relations with administrators and faculty at local and regional levels.
- Participating frequently and consistently in chapter, college, regional and international activities.
B. The following are responsibilities of the Regional Coordinator. The coordinator will
- Serve as head of the region.
- Work directly with the Director of Regional Programs at Headquarters.
- Attend and fully participate in the Regional coordinator Meeting at the International convention and other Coordinator meetings convened by Headquarters.
- Oversee the election of the Executive Board, explain the responsibilities of the board, and serve as a non-voting ex-officio member.
- Attend and fully participate in all official regional meetings. Direct the planning of the Leadership Conference and Regional Convention and ensure that information about these programs is sent out in a timely manner. While the Coordinator is responsible for these programs, he/she usually coordinates the programs with a host chapter. The Coordinator must have input in and final approval of the agenda. Use a selection process for hosting regional events that must be open and communicated to all chapters in the region. To host a regional meeting, a chapter must provide authorization and evidence of support from the college administration and advisor. The process for selection a host chapter(s) should ensure that all chapters are encouraged to participate and that meetings are rotated to all geographical areas of the region when practical.
- Hold an organizational meeting to plan regional activities and set goals for the coming year. Goals set at this meeting will be distributed as soon an possible to all the chapters in the region and to Headquarters.
- Hold a formal Regional Officer Orientation as soon as possible following the election of officers. This orientation is intended to bring together the Coordinator and officers to explain the role and responsibilities of the Regional Officer as defined by the Regional Bylaws and the Honor Code, to identify goals for the officer’s term, and to develop a positive working relationship to achieve these goals. The Coordinator should work closely with the Regional Officers throughout the year.
- Communicate frequently and consistently with headquarters staff and respond to requests in a timely manner.
- Administer the Five-Star Chapter Development Program. The Regional Coordinator is required to keep on file the Five-Star Goal and Update Report forms submitted by the chapters and to communicate the names of the chapters and their award levels to Headquarters in time for certificates to be prepared for presentation at the appropriate regional meeting.
- Supervise the Regional Awards program. The Regional Coordinator will not serve as a judge. The judging will be done by persons outside the region and according to criteria determined by the Executive Board. (Yearbook and art entries may be judged by local experts on site.)
- Collect regional fees and supervise the regional treasury. If regional funds are not deposited within a college account, the Regional Coordinator is responsible for depositing funds in an insured bank account. The signature card for this account must bear both the names of the Regional Coordinator and the Phi Theta Kappa Executive Director. However, the Regional Coordinator is authorized as a sole signatory. The Coordinator will prepare and present a financial report to the Regional Convention and submit in a timely fashion a copy to the Director of Regional Programs.
- Appoint for a defined term the region’s presidential Ambassador (with input provided by the Executive Board and Executive Director). The Regional Coordinator will meet with the Presidential Ambassador to develop goals and work closely with him/her to achieve these goals.
- Supervise a structured orientation and/or a mentoring program for new advisors as developed by the Executive Board.
- Supervise the development and distribution of regional written and electronic communications, which include newsletters, handbook/directory, and other necessary communications.
- Report promptly to the Membership Services Department at Headquarters changes in advisor information.
- Report to the Chapter Programs Department at Headquarters the chapters, advisors, and members who deserve recognition other than through the Society’s International Hallmark Award Program (i.e. features in publications, special commendations, etc.)
- Submit to Headquarters and all chapters a “State of the Region” Report. The report Demonstrating at all times the highest level of professionalism, which reflects positively on the Coordinator, chapter, region and Society will include an evaluation of the achievement of the regional goals established at the Regional planning Meeting held earlier in the year, the State of the Report, and the audited Financial Report (using the form provided by Headquarters). These reports are to be presented at the Regional Convention and submitted to the Director of Regional Programs along with a copy of the region’s current bylaws in a timely fashion after the Regional convention. (See #13)
- Submit to the Director of Regional Programs requests for reimbursements along with receipts immediately after incurring such expense.
Section 4. Benefits
- Travel grant for work within the region
- Honors Institute Scholarship and Travel Assistance
- International Convention Travel
- Recognition Opportunities
- Professional Development
- Stationery and Business Cards
Section 5. Term Review and Renewal.
Following the Regional Convention but prior to the planning meeting, the Headquarters staff will review with the Regional Coordinator the progress of the Region, the Achievement of regional goals, and the identification of areas for regional improvement. The Director of Regional Programs and the Associate Director will make a recommendation to the Executive Director Regarding the renewal of the appointment.
The Executive Director will notify the Regional Coordinator of the renewal decision.
Should the Regional Coordinator choose not to continue to serve, or the Director of Regional Programs and the Associate Director not recommend the renewal of the term for the Regional Coordinator, or the Executive Director not approve the recommendation submitted, a new Interim Regional Coordinator will be selected according to the stated process.
The Presidential Ambassador shall perform his/her duties in keeping with the guidelines set forth by the Phi Theta Kappa Board of Directors.
The Presidential Ambassador will be appointed by Phi Theta Kappa Headquarters in consultation with the Regional Coordinator.
The Presidential Ambassador will serve for a term of one year and may succeed himself or herself in office.
The Presidential Ambassador will
- Represent Phi Theta Kappa at President’s Council meetings to facilitate the communication of current Society programs.
- Arrange, as needed, a representative from the region to address a President’s Council meeting.
- Promote Phi theta Kappa to other college presidents to help the society re-activate inactive chapters, establish new chapters, establish Phi Theta Kappa honors courses and seminars and encourage chapter participation in regional and international programs, and promote financial support for Phi Theta Kappa scholars.
- Participate, at least once per year, at a regional meeting of Phi Theta Kappa; ideally, participation should include
- an address to the meeting participants in which the Presidential Ambassador presents the issues and agenda that the presidents feel are important to the progress of two-year colleges in Iowa.
- a meeting with chapter advisors and the regional Coordinator in which annual regional goals can be discussed and issues of concern can be shared on both sides.
- an opportunity for dialogue with Phi Theta Kappa members.
5. Participate in the All-Iowa Academic Team Ceremony.