Travis Fincher
Southeast District Vice President 2015 - 2016
Before becoming a regional officer for Phi Theta Kappa, I was a welding student at Southeastern Community College with a plan of finishing the welding degree and finding a job. During one class for the welding degree I had to take a drafting class and I knew that I was going to change my major and thus I did. Now being a drafting major I still thought that I was going to just get my associates in drafting and find a job. Nearing time for gradation I knew that I would have to figure out what my future had in store for me. While being a Regional Vice President I learned many different life skills, but the one that I will forever remember is if an opportunity presents itself then jump on it. I have wanted to be an engineer for as long as I can remember, thus when the opportunity to go to the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology I knew that I had to take it. So in the fall of 2016 I will enter the Civil Engineer program at SDSMT.